72. Mr. TYSON WILSONasked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware that the United Alkali Company, of Fleetwood, has given to some of its workmen a badge, signifying that the workman is on munition work; that these badges are not the badges issued by his Department, but have been made to the order of the firm; and whether he proposes to take action against this firm for violating the provisions of the Munitions Act?)
§ Dr. ADDISONThe United Alkali Company spontaneously informed the Ministry some little time ago that they had issued private badges to some of their workmen. My right hon. Friend has no reason to suppose that the company have acted in this matter otherwise than through a genuine misunderstanding of the Regulations. He is in communication with the company with a view to the withdrawal of unauthorised badges and securing the adoption of proper arrangements. He does not anticipate that any legal proceedings will be necessary.
§ 76. Mr. WINGasked the Minister of Munitions if he will consider the advisability of granting some distinguishing medal, badge, or certificate to workmen who loyally and conscientiously carry out their duties and work to the full extent of their physical powers, and thus distinguish the faithful and industrial soldier in mine, factory, or workshop?
§ Dr. ADDISONI would refer my hon. Friend to the reply which was given to a similar question by the hon. Member for Chippenham on 16th September, of which I am sending him a copy.
§ 78. Mr. CLYNESasked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction existing among workmen employed in several firms on munition work because of the delay in supplying them with war service badges; whether many 1451 firms have written repeatedly for a supply of badges and have received only post cards in reply; and whether he will state the grounds on which in some works badges have been supplied to skilled workmen, but refused to labourers who are employed with the skilled men on exactly the same munition work services?
§ Dr. ADDISONSince the Ministry of Munitions has taken over the issue of war service badges, the number of applications has greatly increased. Many of these applications can be and are dealt with immediately, but in many other cases inquiry is necessary. Since 1st August a total of over 380,000 badges has been issued—some 3,200 firms having received badges. Badges may be given to semi-skilled as well as skilled men, but are not given to unskilled men, unless the Minister is of opinion that removal from their present employment is likely to prejudice the production, transport, or supply of munitions of war, or the successful prosecution of the War.