71. Mr. CHANCELLORasked the Minister of Munitions whether an inquiry by the Board of Control (Liquor Traffic) was arranged to be held at Chatham on Saturday, 25th September; whether the arrangements with witnesses were cancelled; whether the inquiry is dropped or only postponed; and for what reason, seeing that Chatham is a very important military, naval, and munitions centre?
§ Dr. ADDISONI am informed by the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) that the inquiry which it had been proposed to hold at Chatham was postponed at the instance of the Commander-in-Chief 1450 at the Nore, who represented that restrictions on the sale of intoxicating liquor had recently been imposed by the competent military authority after consultation with himself, and suggested that these restrictions should be given a reasonable trial before action was taken by the Central Control Board. A report on the working of the present Orders is to be forwarded to the Central Control Board by the Commander-in-Chief towards the end of the present month.