HC Deb 12 October 1915 vol 74 cc1217-8

Before the House proceeds to the business of the day, I think that it is only right, and in accordance with the universal feeling, that I should refer to the fact that since we last met we have lost four Members fighting for their country on the field. They were all of them young men. They were drawn from both sides of the House. They were all men—I speak in the recollection of many who knew them intimately—of high promise of future distinction. At the call of their country they sacrificed all their prospects of personal advancement. I am certain that the House will acknowledge with gratitude the splendid example of patriotism which they have set, and will join in the expression of sympathy with their families in the irreparable loss which they have sustained. [The four Members referred to by the Prime Minister were Mr. Harold T. Cawley (Heywood Division, S.E. Lancashire); Mr. T. C. B. Agar-Bobartes (St. Austell Division, Cornwall); Lord Ninian Crichton-Stuart (Cardiff District), and Mr. C. T. Mills (Uxbridge Division, Middlesex).]


I am sure that the House on all sides will concur with the statement of the right hon. Gentleman. We all share the feelings which have been expressed so admirably by him. We all regret with all our hearts the loss of those comrades who have died for their country, and who were dear to many of us. Personally, I have lost some of the dearest personal friends.