HC Deb 06 May 1915 vol 71 cc1341-2

Order for Second Reading read.


I beg to move, "That the Bill be now read a second time."

This is a Bill to facilitate the marriage of Colonials in this country, or of Britishers in the Dominions and Colonies. It was put forward many years ago by the Registrar-General here. It was not discussed at the last Imperial Conference, but it has been a matter of continuous correspondence with the Dominions and of personal conversation with their representatives at the last Imperial Conference, of which I was the chairman. Its object is to facilitate the acceptance here of banns and notices of marriage issued in other parts of the Empire. We are not legislating for the self-governing Dominions, but we can and shall apply this Act by Order in Council where and when they have legislated reciprocally. The only reason why it has not been introduced before is that I have been in con- tenuous correspondence with all the Dominions on this practically ever since the last conference, and this is the earliest moment at which I have been able to bring it forward. I think from what he has heard and seen in the papers, my hon. Friend will admit that there is urgency in this country for facilitating marriages whenever you can do so. At present there are certain quite unnecessary delays imposed upon a man arriving here from; Australia, because he cannot bring his certificate of banns or notices with him, and therefore the marriage cannot take place until he has set up a residence here and qualified in the ordinary way. In the same way Britishers going to various Dominions suffer inconveniences there. I put this forward for the purpose of facilitating rapid marriages in every way in our power.

Question put, and agreed to.

Resolved, "That this House will immediately resolve itself into Committee on the Bill."

Bill accordingly considered in Committee, and Reported without Amendment; read the third time, and passed.