HC Deb 06 May 1915 vol 71 c1248
23. Mr. BOOTH

asked if a large contract has been given to Glanfield and Sons for clothing; and whether, in view of that firm being busy with a £2,500,000 contract for the War Office, he will explain why the work was not placed direct with the makers?


Admiralty contracts recently placed with Messrs. Glanfield have not been very large, the most important being a contract for supply of kits for air mechanics, worth possibly some £500 a week. They are actual manufacturers of clothing, and are not allowed to sub-let this work, but they necessarily obtain some small articles of the kit from other sources, e.g., braces, ties, etc.


Is my right hon. Friend not aware that Messrs. Glanfield and Sons have sent letters to manufacturers in the West Riding saying that they are asked by the Admiralty to communicate with them and try and place orders with them?


I did not understand that in connection with the contract referred to in this question.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether this figure of £2,500,000 is accurate and whether it is in addition to £3,000,000 worth of work which this same firm—


That has nothing to do with the Admiralty.