HC Deb 04 May 1915 vol 71 cc1004-5

Now I come to the Inland Revenue. The Exchequer receipts last year from Death Duties were £28,382,000. This year we anticipate that the Exchequer will receive £28,000,000, a decrease of £382,000. For Stamps last year the Exchequer receipts were £7,577,000; this year we expect to receive £6,500,000 only. That means that the receipts will be down by £1,077,000. A good many businesses which contributed very largely to the revenue in stamps are practically paralysed by the war. Last year it only affected them for eight months; this year it will be for the whole year. Land Taxes amount to £660,000, an increase of £30,000; House Duty £1,900,000, an increase of £60,000; Property and Income Tax, including Super-tax, £103,000,000, an increase of £33,601,000; and Land Value Duties, £350,000. [Laughter.] Very useful. I think you could build three submarines out of that.


At what cost?


This total is down by £62,000. The total revenue from the Inland Revenue Department is £140,500,000, an increase of £32,170,000. The total tax revenue, Customs, Excise, and Inland Revenue, is £235,700,000, an increase of £16,395,000 over last year.