HC Deb 16 March 1915 vol 70 c1903

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether he can state the number of parcels apparently intended for soldiers and sailors for which the Post Office can find no owner, and whether it would not be possible and desirable to distribute the contents of these parcels and of any other derelict parcels containing articles suitable for the purpose, either to soldiers and sailors in the field or to British prisoners of War interned in Germany?


About 9,000 parcels which are intended for soldiers and sailors are at present lying unclaimed. The suggestion which the hon. Member makes as to the disposal of these parcels is one which had already occurred to me, and which is, I think, well worthy of consideration. I hope to obtain the consent of the Treasury to the small sacrifice of revenue entailed and to carry out an arrangement for thus benefiting soldiers and sailors or other British prisoners of war, in consultation with a committee which I understand has been set up by the War Office and Foreign Office to arrange these matters.