HC Deb 10 March 1915 vol 70 c1404
81. Mr. R. GWYNNE

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to a newspaper published in the English language which claims to have a circulation of 60,000 copies in neutral countries; whether he is aware that this paper habitually contains false statements as to the progress of the War and articles prejudicial to the Allies; whether he is aware that copies of this paper are regularly sent to this country; whether he has information to the effect that it is owned or edited by a person of British nationality; and, if so, what action he proposes to take against this person?


The answer to the first, second, and third heads of the question is in the affirmative. I cannot say for certain who is now the owner or editor of the paper. It belonged formerly to a person of British nationality, but, in any case, as it is now edited and managed in Germany, it is impossible to take any proceedings. I will consider what can be done to prevent the dissemination of false news by this paper, but many of the statements it contains are so obviously false as to defeat their own purpose.


Is the right hon. Gentleman inquiring further into the matter with a view of stopping the paper circulating here?


Yes, I should be glad to stop it circulating here, but, of course, I cannot stop it in Germany.

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