HC Deb 04 March 1915 vol 70 c943

London County Council (General Powers) Bill (Suspended Bill) (by Order),

Glasgow Corporation (Celluloid) Bill (Suspended Bill) (by Order),

Consideration, as amended, deferred till Wednesday next.

River Glen Improvement Bill (by Order),

Second Reading deferred till Tuesday.

Metropolitan Water Board Bill (by Order),

Read a second time, and committed.

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 1) Bill.

Reported, with Amendments [Provisional Orders confirmed]; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill, as amended, to be considered upon Monday next.

Methodist Church in Ireland Bill,

Friends' Provident Institution Bill,

Blyth Harbour Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Reports to lie upon the Table.

Liverpool Corporation Bill,

Skegness Urban District Gas Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Reports to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Private Bills (Group A),

Sir William Howell Davies reported from the Committee on Group A of Private Bills; That, for the convenience of parties, the Committee had adjourned till Tuesday next, at half-past Two of the clock.

Report to lie upon the Table.

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