HC Deb 23 June 1915 vol 72 c1172
65. Mr. BOOTH

asked the Attorney-General if he is aware that German subjects in neutral countries who act publicly in the interest of their Fatherland are engaged in profitable trade with this country under the protection of our Navy; whether the Government intend such trading to be encouraged; if he is aware that Enrique Behn, of Valencia, entertains German officials whenever they visit Spain, and is now in regular communication with his branch at Hamburg, and is doing a large business in London; and whether his representative on the Baltic Exchange is an alien enemy?


I am not aware of the facts to which the hon. Member refers, and without a fuller statement I cannot say whether I have any powers in the matters to which he refers. Perhaps the hon. Member will be good enough to communicate to me a full statement, and I will consider it, if necessary, in conjunction with any other Department which may be concerned in the matter.