HC Deb 20 July 1915 vol 73 cc1432-3

The Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881 (44 and 45 Vict. c. 49), s. 30 (Conditions annexed to holdings whilst subject to advances).

The Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885 (48 and 49 Vict. c. 73), s. 15 (Power to sell subject to annuity).

The Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887 (50 and 51 Vict. c. 33), s. 18 (Charging Order for securing repayment of advance).

The Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887 (50 and 51 Vict. c. 33), s. 21 (Writ of possession).

The Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896 (59 and 60 Vict. c. 47), s. 38 (Sale of Holding by Land Commission).

The Irish Land Act, 1903 (3 Edw. 7 c. 37), s. 65 (Power to Land Commission to obtain possession of holding).

The Irish Land Act, 1903 (3 Edw. 7 c. 37), s. 67 (Amendment of 59 and 60 Vict. c. 47, s. 38 (3) with respect to apportionment of annuity).


As a result of leaving out Clause 5 this Schedule will have to be struck out. It is a consequential Amendment.

Question, "That this be the Second Schedule to the Bill," put, and negatived.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended, considered; read the third time, and passed.

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