HC Deb 19 July 1915 vol 73 cc1149-50
11 and 12. Sir J. D. REES

asked (1) whether Father Stosch, principal of the German Lutheran mission at Ranchi and member of the local district board, has recently been invited to serve for a further term of three years upon that body; whether 110 German, of whom fifty are male missionaries, are still at large in the Chota Nagpur district, and 442 alien missionaries throughout India, of whom most are Germans; if so, why such lenient treatment has been given to alien enemies in the present crisis; and (2) what action has been taken upon the memorial presented by the European Association to the Government of India regarding the liberty accorded to German firms, missionaries, and others in India, asking whether German firms in liquidation are to be allowed to recommence trading after the War, complaining of the licence given to German missionaries, representing that Germans who have become naturalised British subjects have unusual opportunities of making mischief and should be segregated and interned, and that the conditions of internment should be made more stringent?


Father Stosch has not been reappointed to the local district board. I ought perhaps to say that he received in the ordinary course a form asking whether he would be willing to accept the appointment, and he replied in the affirmative, but it was not thought desirable to reappoint him. On the general question of the treatment of alien enemies in India I have just received a telegraphic report from the Government of India, who inform me that they consider that the time has come to take greater precautions against abuse of the leniency they have hitherto shown. They will probably proceed on the same lines as are now followed in this country.