HC Deb 08 July 1915 vol 73 cc555-616

Considered in Committee.—[Progress, 7th July.]

[Mr. WHITLEY in the Chair.]

  1. CLAUSE 10.—(Right to Use Schools, etc.) 199 words
  2. cc555-62
  3. CLAUSE II.—(Exceptions.) 2,563 words
  4. cc562-7
  5. CLAUSE 12.—(Penalties for Offences.) 2,218 words
  6. cc568-71
  7. CLAUSE 13.—(Application to Scotland.) 1,477 words
  8. cc572-601
  9. CLAUSE 14.—(Application to Ireland.) 12,269 words
  10. c601
  11. NEW CLAUSE.—(Duty of Employers to Furnish Information.) 119 words
  12. cc601-2
  13. NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision as to Questions.) 301 words
  14. cc602-16
  15. NEW CLAUSE.—(Registration ration in One Area Only.) 6,222 words