HC Deb 05 July 1915 vol 73 cc33-4
61. Mr. TOUCHE

asked why the issue of war badges to employés at electric-power stations is limited to stations supplying power for the manufacture of munitions and is refused to other power stations, although many of them are supplying power to private firms engaged on Government work and, even when not doing so, have been asked the military authorities to take steps to prevent skilled employés from enlisting, so as to preserve the efficiency of the electric services; is it now desired to preserve efficiency only in cases where the stations supply power direct for the manufacture of munitions, or is it the wish of the Government to have all power stations sufficiently manned; why the military authorities ask them to retain their skilled men while refusing to issue badges to make it easier to do so, even where the men are willing to give an undertaking to enlist if called upon; and is any change in this procedure contemplated?


I have nothing to add to the answer which I gave to my hon. Friend on this subject last Wednesday, except that under the new Munitions of War Act the making of regulations with regard to the issue of badges to persons engaged on munitions or other war work has now been transferred to the Ministry of Munitions.