HC Deb 25 February 1915 vol 70 cc382-3
53. Mr. HOGGE

asked whether the War Office received a full and detailed report from the British Empire Committee connected with the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) Empire Battalion of certain alleged irregularities in connection with the contract for the equipment of the battalion; whether the report submitted to the War Office reveals the payment of moneys by the equipment contractor to two members of the committee; and what advice did the War Office tender in the matter to the British Empire Committee?


I am informed that no such report has been received at the War Office. If the hon. Member has received some information on which he can rely and which he can furnish to me, I shall be glad to make inquiry.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that two members of this committee have been retired from the committee on account of having accepted illicit commissions from the contractor and that the contractor is still on the War Office list and has now received a contract in connection with the Crystal Palace?


No, I am not aware of that. It is precisely because I was not aware of that that I asked my hon. Friend if he would be so good as to supply me with any information upon which he could rely.


Did not General Wooll-combe, the General Officer in Command of the Eastern District, receive a detailed report on 30th October last of the investigations of the committee which had sat immediately preceding it?


As I have informed the House, the War Office have received no-such report.


The General Officer of the Eastern Command would be the proper channel, would it not, for anything of that sort to come through?


Yes, I quite agree.


If you make inquiry of General Woollcombe you will find it.

55. Mr. HOGGE

asked what is the exact position of the Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Empire Battalion and the other service battalions which have been formed since the outbreak of war; whether they are subject to the direct authority of the War Office; and whether the War Office is responsible for the control of the battalions and for the bona fides and efficiency of the contractors to these battalions or whether that responsibility rests with the committees which appealed to the public for funds and are still concerned with the duties of administration?


These "local" battalions, of which the battalion in question is one, have been raised by various municipalities and communities and in certain cases by responsible individuals, who have thereby rendered most valuable assistance to the War Office. They are housed, clothed and generally administered by the raisers until such time as they are definitely taken over by the War Office. Until so taken over, the responsibility for the efficiency and bona fides of any contractors who may be employed rests with the raisers. The responsibility for training rests throughout with the military authorities.


Have the Royal Fusiliers been taken over by the War Office?


No, they have not.