HC Deb 22 February 1915 vol 70 cc32-3
30. Mr. LOUGH

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the Admiralty have taken the various steps contemplated in the agreement with the Cunard Steamship Company entered into in 1903–4; whether the two ships built under the agreement, or other ships of the company, have been utilised as contemplated in the agreement; and whether the rates of remuneration paid to the Cunard Company for services rendered during the War, as compared with that paid to other steamship companies, have been sufficiently favourable to recoup the Government for the total annual expenses incurred under the agreement?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part of the question, the "Lusitania" and "Mauretania" have not been used as armed merchant cruisers, but other vessels of the Cunard fleet have been so used under the provisions of the agreement, one of the vessels being the "Carmania," which achieved success in action with the "Cap Trafalgar." As regards the last part of the question, the rates of remuneration paid to the Cunard Company for the services of their steamers as armed merchant cruisers during the War are less than those conceded to other owners of the same class of ship, but the question whether the saving so made is sufficient to recoup the Government for the annual outlay under the agreement must be con- sidered in conjunction with the other advantages to secure which Parliament sanctioned the subvention, and can hardly be discussed within the limits of question and answer.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the inside of the "Lusitania" has been practically pulled out by the Admiralty?


I am not aware of that.