HC Deb 11 February 1915 vol 69 cc737-8
43. Mr. FELL

asked the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to the numerous cases of diphtheria which are occurring in various parts of the country; if he is making inquiry into the causes of this outbreak; and if he proposes to issue any instructions dealing with the matter?


Although in the last quarter of 1914 the number of cases of diphtheria was somewhat in excess of that for 1913, I am glad to state that the number of cases notified in England and Wales during the first five weeks of this year is about one thousand less than the number notified in the corresponding period last year. Returns of notified cases are received weekly from each district. These are examined, and it is a matter of routine practice in my Department to call for special reports on outbreaks and, if necessary, to direct a medical inspector to make a local investigation.


Is it not the case that there have been numerous outbreaks in some places, and have not a good many deaths occurred during the past few weeks?


I am informed that the cases of diphtheria are distributed over a very large number of areas and that there have been few considerable outbreaks in any particular localities.