HC Deb 23 December 1915 vol 77 cc614-5

(by Private Notice): I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the tinplate manufacturers of South Wales and Monmouthshire with the Harbour Trust met Major Glasier, of the War Office, on the 14th instant re the great shortage of vans and serious congestion of traffic which is seriously embarrassing the tinplate trade in meeting War Office requirements and may cause a temporary stoppage? Whether it was decided to adjourn the conference to yesterday (the 22nd) and invite the railway interests concerned to be present? Whether the railway interest refused to attend and the conference proved abortive? As these efforts at conference were in the national interest and railways are now semi-Government controlled, will he take action to inquire into the gravity of the complaints with special regard to their removal?


I have not heard of any refusal on the part of the railway companies to take part in such a conference as my hon. Friend mentions, but I will look into the matter.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the fact that some of the steel works as well as the tinplate works in South Wales have very great difficulty in carrying on, not only because of the shortage of coal but the shortage of pig iron and other materials, and that this is a source of grave national danger?


I am quite aware of the congestion and the difficulties on railways, not only here but in other places, and we try to deal with them in the best way we can in each individual case.


Is the hon. Member aware that the tinplate works in South Wales count on the co-operation of the Board of Trade in the matter?


I can do no more than I have done, making inquiry, and action taking place on the result of the inquiry.