§ 42. Sir E. CORNWALLasked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, what is the number of doctors now on the panel in London and in the provinces, respectively, as com pared with the totals on 1st July, 1914?
Mr. ROBERTSThe figures on 1st July, 1914, are not obtainable without a special return from insurance committees, but the figures for January, 1914, which would not differ materially from those of the following July, were: London, 1,400; other English areas, 14,600, including doctors on more than one panel. The corresponding figures of doctors who will be on the panel for 1916 are, approximately: In London, 1,440; in other English areas, 14,400. These figures include a number of doctors on military service whose names remain on the panel whilst some other doctor or doctors are undertaking to carry out their duties.