HC Deb 14 April 1915 vol 71 cc6-7
10. Sir J. D. REES

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether local bodies have been warned of the necessary for dealing with overcrowding, want of ventilation, and uncleanliness in areas surrounding London, in view of the existence and possible spread of spotted fever and of the recent Report thereon, of Dr. Newsholme, medical officer to the Local Government Board; and, if not, whether he will now issue a warning letter?


Dr. Newsholme's recent memorandum on cerebro-spinal fever was sent on the 22nd February to the sanitary authorities of all districts in England and Wales, with a circular in which the Local Government Board state that they trust that the council and the medical officer of health will take such steps as may be necessary, on the lines indicated in the memorandum, should any cases of the disease occur in their district. The memorandum states that, in view of the well known association of cerebro-spinal fever with overcrowding, insufficient ventilation and uncleanliness, the avoidance of these conditions becomes a matter of prime importance. A copy of the circular and memorandum were also sent to each medical officer of health.

Sir J. D. REES

Has there been any case of spotted fever in the north of London within a radius of ten miles?


Perhaps the hon. Member will give me notice of that question.