HC Deb 26 November 1914 vol 68 cc1315-6
84. Mr. BOYTON

asked whether a number of recruits are suffering from defective teeth, and, if accepted, this leads to early disablement, particularly when serving at the front; and whether the War Office will appoint dental surgeons at the depots, who will give the necessary preliminary attention to this branch of the health of the Army and Territorial Forces?


I am, of course, aware that defective teeth are common amongst recruits as amongst other categories of persons. General Officers Commanding are already empowered to spend money on any man's teeth to fit him for service. A large number of dental surgeons and dental institutions have patriotically arranged to treat, free of charge, recruits who would otherwise be rejected on account of their teeth. I gladly recognise what has been done in this respect. Finally, dental surgeons are being appointed to all the larger military stations at home. They will devote their whole time to work with the troops.