HC Deb 25 November 1914 vol 68 c1093

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what action, if any, has been taken by the Government of Egypt to make provision for the natives thrown out of work through the Government dismissing employés, stopping works of public utility in progress at the beginning of the European War, and postponing new undertakings; whether anything is being done to provide work for the saïdis, 7,000 of whom are reported to have been returned from Alexandria to their native villages; and whether the Egyptian Government intends, by setting up a commission or otherwise, to find a remedy for the destitution now prevailing?


I have no detailed information as to the steps which the Egyptian Government have taken to meet distress and loss of employment consequent upon the War, but I am aware that they fully realise the situation, and I am confident that they are doing all in their power to deal with it efficiently, and, as a matter of fact, with regard to taxation and finance, steps have been taken, in consultation with His Majesty's Government, to relieve the situation.