HC Deb 18 November 1914 vol 68 cc425-6
52. Mr. FALLE

asked the Under Secretary for War if he is aware that during the South African war both officers and men had a high collar to their tunics, that is, the tunics were similar, but that now the collar to the officers' tunic has been cut down and is entirely different to that of the private, and the fact that the officer can in consequence be so easily distinguished even at a great distance may be the cause of the heavy loss of officers; and if he can have the question looked into with a view to restoring the collars to officers' tunics?


The service dress jacket for officers was altered to its present pattern on the recommendation of a committee of senior officers, in consequence of a general request from officers. A large proportion of the officers of the Army were referred to at the time by the Committee regarding the alterations and opinions were unanimously in its favour. No adverse reports regarding the present pattern have been received from the Army in the field, and in these circumstances it is not proposed to revert to the older pattern jacket.


Has any opinion been asked?


One does not go about asking for opinions about things which do not need to create any feeling at all.