HC Deb 17 November 1914 vol 68 cc324-5

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether any posters in relation to separation allowances for the wives and children of soldiers have been exhibited in which there was not an explicit statement that the increased allowances payable from the 1st October included the amounts allotted by the soldier; and if he will have a copy of each poster used exhibited in the Library?


Only one such poster has been issued by the War Office and it contained an explicit statement to the effect mentioned. A copy will be exhibited in the Library. Various posters have, I believe, been issued in various places, but I cannot say whether any of them have been incorrectly worded.

48. Mr. HOGGE

asked why many branches of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association were allowed to mismanage the distribution of allowances when other efficient help was refused?


I assume that by allowances the hon. Member means allowances payable from Army Votes, but I do not understand to what he refers.

44. Mr. HUNT

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether any increase has been made to the dependants of officers who serve abroad and die during the War; and if he could say what pensions would be received by wives and dependants of subalterns, captains, majors, and colonels of the Regular Army, Special Reserve, and Territorial Forces?


No such provision has been made, but the existing regulations will come under review in the inquiry which has been promised. I will furnish the hon. Member with a statement showing the pensions referred to.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether anything is proposed to be done for officers' wives and dependants?


I may inform the hon. Member that the existing regulations will come under review in the course of the inquiry that has been promised.


asked the Under-Secretary for War whether any record is kept of the circumstances of dependants of men in the Army or joining it; whether he is aware that Widow Anne Power, of Delvin, Westmeath, whose two sons, William and James Power, belonging to the Reserve forces, were without notice called to the front on the outbreak of the War, leaving her without means, almost blind, unable to go about without an attendant, and now in a state of distraction, since her son William, her sole support, died in action, has received no allowance or help of any kind from the War Department or any public source, and has been kept out of the workhouse only by the charity of her neighbours; whether he is aware that a statement of these facts sent to the Secretary of State for War has failed to elicit attention or acknowledgment; whether this is the usual treatment of dependants in such circumstances; and, if not, will he say what is the regulation treatment, why it has not been extended to Mrs. Power, and when it will be extended to her?


It is not practicable to keep records of the circumstances of the dependants of men in the Army, and no public provision was made for them until the recent concessions, made specially for the War. No application by or on behalf of Mrs. Power is traced in the War Office, but if application is now made, as directed in the recent Army poster, it will be duly considered.