HC Deb 07 May 1914 vol 62 cc421-4

asked the quantity of untenanted land let on grazing leases or the eleven months' system by Mr. Nicholson, Balrath, county Meath?


The Estates Commissioners are not in a position to furnish the information asked for in this question.


asked whether the land upon the Nicholson estate, Carlanstown, county Meath, for the purchase of which an agreement was lodged on behalf of one David Farrell, an infant, has since been offered for sale to the Commissioners as untenanted land, or whether any attempt has since been made in the name of any other person to obtain an advance for the purchase of these lands?


If the hon. Member refers to the holding in the townland of Horath on the Nicholson estate, county Meath, for the purchase of which Joseph P. Farrell signed an agreement to purchase under the Irish Land Act, 1903, the reply to both parts of the question is in the negative.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether purchase agreements have been lodged on behalf of tenants on the Nicholson estate, Balrath, county Meath, so far back as 1909; whether, at the time of lodgment, it was intimated to the Commissioners that the vendor had entered into an agreement with the purchasing tenants to enlarge their holdings by sale to the Commissioners of adjoining untenanted land for that particular purpose; whether land has been offered for sale to the Commissioners for that object; if a price was offered; and, if so, was it accepted; whether a scheme has been drafted applying the land, if acquired, to the enlargement of existing holdings; and whether he will state generally what action has been taken to carry out the intentions of the vendor to enlarge local uneconomic holdings?


The estate referred to is the subject of a sale by the owner direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1003, and purchase agreements at prices agreed upon between the parties were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in April, 1909. In 1910 the Commissioners received a communication on behalf of the tenants alleging that one of the conditions of the sale was that the vendor should provide additional lands for the tenants of certain holdings. No such condition appears in the purchase agreements signed by the parties, and the vendor's solicitors on being furnished with a copy of the communication in question replied that no such agreement was made by him; that what the vendor did state was that if, after the inspection of the estate, the Commissioners considered that certain holdings should be enlarged he would be willing to give untenanted land to provide such enlargements if an arrangement as to price is arrived at. No additional land has boon included for sale to the Commissioners, and a price has not been offered or a scheme prepared. The estate has been inspected, and the Commissioners have the question of the enlargement of some of the holdings under consideration at present.

16. Mr. O'DOWD

asked whether the Irish Land Bill will be proceeded with and passed into law during the present Session of Parliament?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the question on this subject asked by the hon. Member for North Fermanagh on the 16th February.

18. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the tenants on the estate of Frederick Hugh Henry, situate in the townlands of Monard, Caisepark, Ballinvoher, Myra, and Ballylass, county Galway, opened negotiations for the purchase of their holdings several years ago; whether early in June, 1912, Messrs. Conroy and Son, Galway, solicitors for the tenants, communicated with the solicitors representing the landlord, as a result of which negotiations were opened afresh for the purchase of the estate by the Congested Districts Board; whether the Board's inspector visited the lands of the tenants in 1912 with a view to purchase; and how the estate stands at the present moment?


The Congested Districts Board have no information regarding the negotiations which took place between the tenants' representatives and the vendor's solicitors regarding this estate. The estate was offered for sale to the Board in December, 1912, and their valuer inspected the property in July, 1913. The Board have recently come to terms with the owner for the purchase of the estate. The townlands of Caisepark and Ballinvoher referred to have not been purchased by the Board.

19. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, whether he is aware of the state of congestion that prevails on the estate of Frederick H. Henry, in the townlands of Monard, Myra, etc., county Galway; whether he is aware that the estate consists of some thirty tenants, the most of which holdings are under £6 valuation; that the estate comprises a large grazing farm; that this farm is let from year to year to tenants other than congests; and that the Board was requested by the tenants to acquire this estate over two years ago; and, having regard to the state of congestion amongst the tenants on the land and the avowed willingness of the landlord to sell, will he consider whether definite action should be taken at once by the Board to acquire this estate?


The Congested Districts Board are aware of the circumstances of the tenants on the estate referred to. There are twenty-eight tenants on the property, and of these twelve have holdings under £6 valuation. The estate includes a large grazing farm for the purchase of the tenant's interest in which the Board are negotiating. They understand that the tenant was in the habit of letting the farm in Conacre and grazing. The Board were asked by the tenants to purchase the estate over two years ago as stated and in January last an agreement for the purchase of the estate was entered into with: the owner.

17. Mr. HAYDEN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how long the negotiations between the Congested Districts Board and the Earl of Essex for the sale and purchase of the Essex estate, in county Roscommon, have been in progress; how far they have been advanced; how do they stand at the present time; has any offer been made to the Earl of Essex; if not, when the offer may be expected; and whether the offer, when made, will be made for the whole of the estate in and around the town of Roscommon?


The documents in connection with the estate referred to were transferred to the Congested Districts Board from the Estates Commissioners in November, 1911. The property has been valued and the question of issuing an offer will be considered by the Board at their meeting this month, when it will be decided what portion of the estate will be included in the offer.


Will the right hon. Gentleman bring to the notice of the Board the desirability of purchasing the whole of the estate?


I think that is a point which will be before the Board.