§ 67. Mr. GINNELLasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Local Government Board have yet ascertained from the Secretary of the Westmeath County Council, in respect of the county-at-large account for the half-year ended 31st March last, the amount of the agriculture Grant, other Government Grants, proportion of poor rate lodged, and other receipts; and also for the same period the amount of the charges to which urban districts contribute, and the amount of the charges from which urban districts are exempt?
§ The CHIEF SECRETARY for IRELAND (Mr. Birrell)The answer is in the negative. The particulars cannot be obtained until the accounts for the half-year have been fully prepared and balanced. This work is necessarily delayed pending the completion of the audit of the September accounts, which was only finished on the 2nd instant.
§ Mr. GINNELLDoes the right hon. Gentleman know whether the return required by the owner to be lodged within a month has been lodged?
§ Mr. BIRRELLYes, I think that has been done.
§ 60. Mr. GINNELLasked at what dates the secretary of the Westmeath County Council complied with Article 25 of the Public Bodies Order, 1904, and lodged with the Local Government Board copies of Forms 24 and 25 for the half-years ended 31st March and 30th September in the years 1912 and 1913, respectively; and what action, if any, the Local Government Board took in this matter?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe forms referred to were received on 10th June, 1912, 27th November, 1912, 7th June, 1913, and 4th December, 1913, respectively. No action was taken or considered necessary by the Local Government Board in the matter.