HC Deb 25 March 1914 vol 60 cc370-1
64. Mr. HILLS

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman will draw up model Regulations for bathing healthy inmates in workhouses; whether the Regulations for bathing lunatics and idiots in workhouses framed by the Lunacy Commissioners, and recommended by the Poor Law Board in a circular of 1870, are suspended by the new Order; whether under the new Order the Codes for bathing lunatics, idiots, and infants will require the approval of neither the Local Government Board, nor of the Lunacy Commissioners, nor of the guardians, nor will even be sent to the Local Government Board for examination; and whether he will make an amending Order providing for the express approval of the Local Government Board both to the Regulations and Codes?


The Regulations framed by the Lunacy Commissioners in 1870, to which the hon. Member refers, were never binding upon Poor Law guardians. They were only recommended for their consideration, and a similar recommendation is included in the circular which accompanied the new Order. The Regulations referred to are not suspended by the new Order. As I pointed out in the answer which I gave the hon. Member on the 16th instant, the bathing of sick persons, lunatics, and infants will under the new Order be subject to the directions of the medical officer who is responsible for their care and treatment. If new Regulations are made by the guardians they will be sent to the Local Government Board, and may be disallowed by the Board. All those Regulations which have so far been submitted under the provisions of the new Order either reproduce or improve upon the recommendations contained in the Minute of 1886. In the circumstances I see no reason for taking the course suggested in the question.