HC Deb 29 June 1914 vol 64 cc22-3
38. Sir P. MAGNUS

asked the President of the Board of Education if he can inform the House whether and, if so, what negotiations are now going on for the establishment of a university in London; and whether it is contemplated by the Government to create a new London University?


A Departmental Committee is now dealing with the matter in accordance with its Terms of Reference, and I am not in a position to make any statement as to their proceedings. The Government certainly contemplate the reconstitution of the University of London.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he will use his best efforts to correct the impression which has been produced in his speech on Tuesday last that it was contemplated to create a new London University, apparently distinct and separate from the present one?


Perhaps a slip of that kind is sufficiently corrected by the statement in the answer, that the Government certainly contemplate the reconstitution of the University of London.


asked the President of the Board of Education whether the Departmental Committee appointed to frame a Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on University Education in London will submit their Report before the close of the present Session; and, if so, when it may be expected to be presented to the House?


I understand that the Departmental Committee are not yet in a position to say by what date they will be able to complete their consideration of their Reference, and I, therefore, do not expect that they will be able to submit their Report before the close of the Session.