HC Deb 28 July 1914 vol 65 cc1106-7
40. Major HOPE

asked the Secretary for Scotland if he proposes to take any steps to give further time to the forty tenants at Kirkland who have been ordered to quit their houses within thirty days by decision at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on 22nd July; and whether the provisions of the Government Housing Bill would assist these tenants to obtain the houses which at present it is impossible for them to procure in the district?


I have no power to interfere with the order of the sheriff. I am informed that considering the number of houses alreary vacated, the nearness of several growing centres of population, and the tramway facilities, no great hardship need result through these houses being closed to occupation. The applicability of the Housing Bill would depend upon facts and circumstances, and I am not in a position to give an opinion on the question contained in the last part of the question.


asked the Secretary for Scotland if he will make application to the Treasury for some portion of the money set apart under the Government Housing Bill for the housing of Government employés for men employed in the torpedo factory, Greenock?

42. Colonel GREIG

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether, having regard to the powers proposed to be conferred by the Housing Bill on the Local Government Board for Scotland with reference to the housing of Government employés, he will bear in mind the necessity of making such provision for the employés of the torpedo factory at Greenock, either directly or by assisting local co-partnership societies incorporated with this object?


asked if the new Housing Bill will allow provision to be made for the erection of dwelling-houses for those employed by or on behalf of the torpedo factory at Greenock?


As regards the powers to be conferred by the Housing Bill, I must refer my hon. Friend the Member for Greenock to the Bill itself. If and when the Bill becomes law, no doubt the case of Greenock will be considered by the Government Departments concerned.