HC Deb 21 July 1914 vol 65 cc250-1
32. Mr. PIRIE

asked the Secretary for Scotland, with reference to the memorial presented to him signed by the large majority of Scottish Members asking for the transference of the Scottish Education Department to Edinburgh, if it was openly admitted at the time that certain signatures were carried over from a former memorial; and if no exception to the importance of those signatures was made by him at the time the memorial was presented?


It is undoubtedly the case that certain signatures appended to the first memorial and subsequently transferred to the second, were afterwards repudiated by the Members concerned, but, as I have already stated in a previous answer, I think it is not necessary now to revive the controversy as to the precise number of Members supporting the proposal.


Did it not contain the signatures of two of the right hon. Gentleman's colleagues—the hon. Member for Berwick-shire and one of the Scottish Whips?


Some hon. Members said their signatures were appended without their authority.


Is not the last answer one of those half truths which is worse than no truth?