HC Deb 06 July 1914 vol 64 cc820-1
41. Mr. F. HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether officers of His Majesty's Customs and Excise who were required to give attendance on Monday the 22nd June, the day appointed to be observed as a public holiday for the official celebration of the King's birthday, were granted a day's compensation leave in addition to their hourly overtime rate for this attendance, and that the Customs watchers giving exactly the same attendance as these officers on that day were not granted the day as compensation leave; whether they only received 7d. per hour for the actual attendance given between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.; whether this overtime attendance is in both cases paid for by merchants or bonded warehouse proprietors; and, if so, will instructions be forthwith given that watchers shall receive the day's compensation leave for attendance on Sundays and public holidays in the same manner as is granted to the officers?


The conditions of employment of watchers are not comparable with those of Customs and Excise Officers. Speaking generally, for the former attendance at night and on Sundays or public holidays is normal; for the latter, exceptional. This is the reason why they are treated on a different basis, and I cannot accept the suggestion that they ought to be treated alike.


May I ask the hon. Gentleman if under the circumstances pay will be granted to these poorly paid watchers for the day of 22nd June, seeing that the officers of His Majesty's Customs and Excise have received their pay?


If the hon. Member will look at my answer he will see that point is dealt with. The necessity of working on public holidays and Sundays is taken into account in fixing the pay of these watchers.


Is it not a fact that these officers now have to work forty-eight hours a week irrespective of when they commence and when they finish, and that, therefore, they are debarred from earning that overtime which they were formerly in a position to obtain?


The fact that the watchers work irregular hours has been taken into consideration in fixing their pay.

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