HC Deb 27 August 1914 vol 66 c159

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he has received a definite offer from the hon. Member for Brentford to raise a corps (5,000 strong) of Volunteers, each with a motor for service, on the terms of a scheme submitted to the War Office, such corps to be increased to 10,000 or 20,000 as required; and whether such offer has been definitely declined and, if so, why?


Such an offer was received and carefully considered by the Army Council, who decided that it was undesirable to form such a corps, as all military requirements could be satisfactorily met by other means. I would add the thanks of the Army Council to the hon. Member for Brentford, through whose instrumentality these requirements have partly been met.


I beg to give notice that I shall call attention to this question on the Adjournment.