HC Deb 04 August 1914 vol 65 c1899
24. Mr. CASSEL

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture, as representing the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, whether he is aware that the Crown Estates Paving Commissioners levy rates on the residents living on the east side of Regent's Park for paving, repairing, cleaning, lighting, and watering the roads, amounting to 2s. 8d. in the £, in addition to the ordinary rates levied by the St. Pancras Borough Council; that the roads are in a very bad condition; that promises to re-construct the surface of the roads with a special kind of tar macadam were made in 1911; and whether he can give any definite assurance that these roads will be re-made in the autumn?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Runciman)

I am informed that the rates for paving, cleaning, lighting and watering roads levied by the Crown Estate Paving Commissioners under their special Acts of Parliament are 1s. 4d. in the £, and that parties paying those rates get practically an equivalent reduction in the rates levied by the local authority. I am assured that the greater part of the outer circle road on the east side of the park will be reconstructed this autumn. The Commissioners' funds are limited, and their work has had to be restricted according to the funds available.