HC Deb 23 April 1914 vol 61 c1102
72. Mr. DEN MAN

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention had been called to the case of Miss Phyllis Bourke, who has been refused a licence to perform after 10 p.m. in Mr. Galsworthy's play; and whether, if an appeal is made to him, he will favourably consider the grant of a licence to her?


My attention was called to the matter last Monday, and it was then explained to the manager that I had no power to take any action. Under the provisions of the Act it is in the discretion of the magistrate to say what restrictions and conditions are to apply to the employment of children in theatres, and there is no appeal to me.


Is it not the case that the magistrate invited the applicant to appeal to the Secretary of State if he disagreed with the magistrate?


I believe that is so.