HC Deb 21 April 1914 vol 61 c752
53. Mr. F. HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Secretary of State for War if, in connection with the Easter training of Yeomanry, the Westminster Dragoons and Rough Riders utilised the horses of the Regular Cavalry; how many horses were lent to the Yeomanry for this purpose and from what regiments; and whether it is proposed that in time of war the horses of the Cavalry regiments shall be shared with the Yeomanry in this manner?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. Five officers and 133 other ranks of the Rough Riders were mounted on horses of the 18th Hussars, and ten officers and 154 other ranks of the Westminster Dragoons, on the horses of the 4th Dragoon Guards. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.


May I ask whether the cavalry were given a holiday while the horses were being used by the Territorials?


No, Sir.


Why not?


Will the hon. Gentleman take into consideration the desirability of giving the horses a holiday in view of the fact that it is becoming more and more the practice of the Territorial Cavalry to drill on Sundays, not even giving one day's rest in the week to the horses?


It is quite obvious that the horses are required to be kept in hard condition, and that they require exercise for that purpose. There is no harm in giving the horses a proper amount of exercise. Care is taken that no horse will be over-exercised.

Colonel GREIG

Is it not a fact that it has been stated at the Territorial Association for London that the War Office authorities are justified at this moment in saying that horses are in existence for mobilisation purposes, and are in existence in the county area?


Yes, Sir, that is so.