§ 27. Mr. KELLAWAYasked the Home Secretary if he will state how many persons were killed in the Metropolitan Police District and the City by motor omnibuses and tramcars, respectively, during the first three months of this year?
§ Mr. McKENNAIn the Metropolitan Police District thirty-two persons were 1597 killed by motor omnibuses and ten persons by electric tramcars. No person was killed by motor omnibuses or tramcars in the City during the period in question.
§ 28. Mr. KELLAWAYasked the Home Secretary if he will state how many street-traffic fatalities occurred in the Metropolitan Police District and City of London during the first three months of this year, and how many of the victims were children under fourteen years?
§ Mr. McKENNAThe number of persons killed was as follows: In the Metropolitan Police District, 114, of whom thirty-nine were under fourteen years; in the City, three, none of whom were under fourteen.