HC Deb 02 April 1914 vol 60 cc1341-3
52. Mr. CASSEL

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been called to the Return of financial statistics relating to elementary education in the year 1911–12, recently issued by the Board of Education, from which it appears that the Grants to London in respect of elementary education amount only to 28 per cent. of the total expenditure as against 52 per cent. for the rest of England and Wales, and that the total expenditure per child in London is £3 3s. 7d. higher than in the rest of England and Wales, and that the Grant to London is 2s. 6d. per child lower than in the rest of England and Wales; and whether, on the readjustment of the relations between Imperial and local finance, the special position of London will be taken into consideration?

83. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he has received a copy of a resolution passed by the Islington Borough Council to the effect that, having regard to the demands of the Board of Education authority of London, which demands have been almost entirely responsible for the inordinate increase from £3,919,673 in 1904–5 to £6,286,320 in 1913–14 in the cost of London education, and to the fact that London is receiving Education Grants from the Government equal to only 28 per cent. of its expenditure on elementary education, whilst the Grants for the rest of the country approximate 50 per cent., the Islington Borough Council urge upon the Government the necessity of fulfilling its promise to lighten the burdens of the ratepayers of London by means of more liberal and equitable Grants from the Imperial Exchequer; and, as the Departmental Committee appointed to study the system of local taxation in England and Wales have now made their final Report, with specific recommendations on the question of Education Grants, is he yet in a position, or can he say when he expects to be in a position to deal effectively with the increasing inequalities and admitted grievances from which the London ratepayers are suffering?


With the permission of the House I will also answer the question addressed to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer. My attention has been called to the Resolution and Return referred to. As regards the latter part of both questions, I must ask the hon. Members to await my right hon. Friend's annual financial statement. I understand that my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Education is to-day receiving a deputation on this matter from the London County Council.


Will the right hon. Gentleman in the preparation of that statement bear in mind the figures relating to London?


I am quite sure that my right hon. Friend, in the preparation of his financial statement, will take into consideration all relevant figures.