HC Deb 01 May 1913 vol 52 cc1359-61

asked whether, at a meeting held in Dublin after the Road Board came into existence, Sir G. Gibb announced that £170,000 would be Ireland's share for the first year; having regard to the fact that the revenue of the Board has exceeded the amount anticipated, what Ireland's share per annum is at present, what was the actual amount paid to Irish authorities in each of the years since the Board was established, and what amount to Great Britain for a corresponding period; at what date was money available for distribution in the first instance; and the dates and amounts first paid to Great Britain and Ireland, respectively?


I understand that at a general conference between the Road Board and representatives of Irish county and county borough councils held in Dublin on the 7th March, 1911, the chairman of the Road Board stated that the amount proposed to be allocated to Ireland out of the Road Improvement Fund up to 31st March, 1912, was approximately £150,000. The sum of £144,236 has already been indicated to individual highway authorities. The Board are now engaged in selecting other works to which approximately £100,000 will be granted. [See Written Answers this date.]

36. Mr. P. WHITE

asked upon what principle the Road Board allocated Ireland's share of the money as between the different counties in Ireland, whether upon the basis of population, annual road expenditure, or the outlay consequent on the county being an avenue for tourist traffic; what conditions were attached to the Grant; how many Irish counties failed to comply with the conditions and thereby forfeited their right to a Grant; whether the aggregate sum not drawn by such counties is at the disposal of other counties; whether the Road Board is aware that the county of Meath, through its representatives, have unanimously voted £1 for every £1 the Road Board has granted or will grant; and whether, having regard to the fact that three main trunk roads run through the county diverging from Dublin, and which are largely used by tourists visiting places of historic interest, the Board will consider the advisability of increasing their Grant to an amount equal to what the county itself will contribute?


The amount distributed in Ireland out of the Road Improvement Fund has hitherto been allocated by the Road Board to works of road improvement in the various counties approximately upon the basis of population, but in considering each case the Board have regard to the circumstances of each county and to the relative public importance of the improvements required in the various parts of the country. No conditions are attached to Grants except that the work towards which Grants are made will be carried out in accordance with the approved specifications, and no Irish county has forfeited its right to payment of the amount payable under any Grant made. The Board are aware that the county of Meath are prepared to provide £1 for every £1 of Grant from the Road Board, and the claims and requirements of the county of Meath will receive from the Board the same consideration as is given to the relative claims and requirements of other counties in Ireland.