HC Deb 12 March 1913 vol 50 c241

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention had been called to the remarks of the coroner and jury at an inquest on a child aged six, held on or about 17th February, where it appeared that the father was unable in Bethnal Green to obtain a doctor for the child during the night because he did not know where the relieving officer slept; and, seeing that the houses of the relieving officers in Bethnal Green had not notices outside to show that they lived there, whether he will cause their names and addresses to be posted up in the police station, and take steps to secure that the policemen in Bethnal Green know their addresses and will help poor persons in cases of emergency to obtain medical Poor Law relief?


As the father of the deceased child did not apply to the police at all, they had no knowledge of the case, and were unable to help. The name of the relieving officer of the district, with his day and night address, is already hung up at every police station in the Metropolis, and each constable carries the names and addresses of the local relieving officer in his private book.