HC Deb 12 March 1913 vol 50 c240

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the case of police-constable Norman Macdonald, 394 L Division, who was injured in the course of his duty, on the 20th May, 1911; whether an operation was performed upon him by a police surgeon contrary to the advice of two leading hospital doctors; whether that operation has been unsuccessful, rendering the patient permanently incapacitated; whether the special pension awarded to him has been reduced once and then refunded, and is now reduced again though his condition is growing worse; and what action he now proposes to take in the matter?


An operation was performed upon the ex-police constable by the late chief surgeon. I have no information as to the advice alleged to have been given by hospital doctors, but the late chief surgeon was one of the most distinguished and skilful surgeons in London. The operation was not successful in so far as it did not render the patient fit to resume police duty, and a special pension was therefore awarded. Some doubt existed at first as to whether the patient was totally or partially disabled, which accounts for the variations of pension alluded to; it has now been decided that the disablement is partial only, and the rate of pension has been adjusted accordingly, as required by the Police Act. The pensioner is subject to medical re-examination at intervals.