HC Deb 12 June 1913 vol 53 c1783
70. Mr. HEWINS

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the average incidence of the import duty levied in the United States on the class of goods principally exported to that country; and what change would be introduced if the proposed new tariff were passed into law?


The official Returns of imports into the United States from individual countries are not published in sufficient detail to enable the ad valorem incidence of the duties on imports from the United Kingdom to be calculated. Even were such a calculation practicable it would be impossible to foresee the extent to which the changes now proposed in the United States tariff would affect the magnitude of the imports of the different classes of goods from this country. I regret, therefore, that I am not in a position to give the information desired.


May I ask whether the United States proposed tariff has been submitted to the Commercial Intelligence Committee for examination?


Do I understand that the Board of Trade has not inquired into what the difference would be?


I have given the reasons why I am unable to answer, but if any hon. Member desires a reply to any question I shall be pleased to give it on notice.

71. Mr. HEWINS

asked the President of the Board of Trade what would be the average incidence of the Import Duty levied in the United States on British exports as represented by the proposed tariff recently introduced in the House of Representatives and calculated on a basis similar to that employed in the Second Fiscal Blue Book, p. 295?


I will have the necessary calculations made, and will communicate again with the hon. Member when the results are available