- AMENDING BILL. 233 words cc1779-80
- SICKNESS CLAIMS (MALINGERING). 367 words cc1780-1
- MATERNITY BENEFIT. 123 words c1781
- HEALTH INSURANCE OFFICERS. 136 words cc1781-2
- SUPPLY OF MEDICINES. 98 words c1782
- CASUAL DOCK LABOURERS. 79 words c1782
- Civil Services (Royal Commission). 116 words cc1782-3
- Metropolitan Amalgamated Carriage Works, Birmingham. 155 words c1783
- United States Import Duties. 287 words cc1783-4
- Census of Production. 315 words cc1784-5
- Loss of Steamship "Veronese." 213 words c1785
- Railway New Addressing Regulations. 230 words cc1785-6
- Re-Exports from United Kingdom. 82 words c1786
- Telephone Service. 83 words cc1786-7
- Bovine Tuberculosis. 324 words cc1787-8
- House-Fly. 251 words c1788
- Bigg Market, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 105 words