74. Mr. WILLIAM ARCHER REDMONDasked the President of the Board of Trade what steps the English and Irish Railway Clearing Houses, respectively, have taken to meet the demand of Irish traders in regard to the new regulations concerning the addressing of packages containing Irish eggs and butter imported into this country; what is the reason for such a delay in a matter so vital to the Irish produce export trade; and whether he will urge English and Irish railway companies alike to revert to the system which has worked so satisfactorily during the last forty years for all concerned?
Mr. BUXTONI have forwarded to my hon. Friend copies of letters from which it appears that the Railway Clearing House hope to arrange for the application of the new addressing regulations to Continental traffic, and that, the Irish Clearing House are considering the representations made to them by a deputation from the Irish Egg and Butter Merchants' Association on the 15th May. I am not aware that there has been any undue delay, but I will communicate again with the Irish Clearing House in the matter.
Mr. W. A. REDMONDDoes the right hon. Gentleman give us to understand that the railway companies of England and Ireland are prepared to abolish the new regulations in order to bring down foreign produce to the level of Irish at the present time?