HC Deb 09 June 1913 vol 53 c1233
12. Mr. O'GRADY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that the firms of Spagnoletti, Limited, Shepherd's Bush; Johnson and Phillips, Charlton, Kent; Keith and Blackman, Holloway Road; and Messrs. Crompton, Chelmsford, contractors to the Department, pay instrument makers in their employ wages ranging from 7d. to 8d. per hour, the standard rate being 9d., and also employ a very large amount of boy labour on similar work at rates ranging from 2d. to 4d. an hour, thus enabling these firms to compete unfairly with firms employing adult labour; and whether he will make inquiry into the matter with a view to enforcing the provisions of the Fair-Wages Clause?


I am not aware of the circumstances referred to but will have inquiries made. I might add that the trade union have recently instanced one of the firms named in the question as being a firm who pay 9d. per hour. If my hon. Friend can furnish any evidence in support of his statements it may be of assistance to the Department in investigating the matter.