HC Deb 29 July 1913 vol 56 cc274-5

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that dissatisfaction is felt by theatrical employés with regard to their employment being classified as "subsidiary," with the consequent exclusion from the scope of the National Insurance Act; whether the National Association of Theatrical Employés was consulted in any way before the issue of the Order; whether any communications have been received showing that this class of employment is in the bulk of cases not subsidiary, but the main means of livelihood; and whether any further consideration can be given to the matter with a view to the revocation of the Order in question in the event of the association's contentions being proved?


Part-time employment in certain specified capacities has been excepted as being subsidiary employment by a Provisional Special Order, dated 13th July, 1912. Before the Order was made the draft was widely published, and a copy was sent to the National Association of Theatrical Employés. That body has not furnished any evidence which appeared to the Commissioners to justify the modification of the Order or the holding of an inquiry. A fresh Draft Order has recently been published, in which it is proposed to add part-time employment as supernumerary to the theatrical employments already excepted. The Provisional Order has not yet been made substantive, and objection may be made to the Draft Order on or before 20th August on behalf of any of the persons affected.

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