HC Deb 23 July 1913 vol 55 cc2021-2

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he can say when the Departmental Committee that sat to inquire into the grievances of the yard craft men finished taking evidence; and when a Report may be expected?


The Committee finished taking evidence on the 29th May. It is expected that they will make their Report shortly. I can give no undertaking that the Report will be made public.


If the Report is not to be made public will the right hon. Gentleman indicate when the yard men will be informed as to the result?


The Petitions this year have all been referred to the Departmental Committee, and we will undoubtedly have to reply to them, but we cannot come to a conclusion about a report we have not yet received.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in the event of a skilled labourer in His Majesty's dockyards reverting by reason of reduction of men to the position of ordinary labourer and being promoted again at some subsequent period to the position of skilled labourer, the skilled time put in on the first promotion will count towards the probationary period; and, if not, will he consider the advisability of making such arrangements as will meet a case of this kind?


As I stated in my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for the Blackfriars Division of Glasgow on Monday last, it is not necessary for a skilled labourer to serve twelve months on the probationary rate. In the discretion of the yard officers he can be advanced to the 24s. a week rate at any period if in their view the quality of his work justifies the advancement. Such cases as that alluded to by the hon. Member are thus already provided for; but, as I indicated in the reply mentioned, the suggestion that small and broken periods of work as a skilled labourer should be noted and ultimately added together to make a complete twelve months is, I am afraid, not practicable, nor in any case, in view of what I have said, is it necessary.