HC Deb 09 July 1913 vol 55 cc412-3
59. Major HOPE

asked the right hon. Gentleman whether, in view of the Circular X 124 recently issued by the English Insurance Commissioners providing that, in cases where some services are ordinarily required on Sunday, the insured persons will receive sick benefit on a seven day basis, this provision will be extended to Scotland; and whether he will take steps to amplify it so that all Scottish agricultural labourers might have the option of being paid sick benefit on a seven day basis instead of on a six day basis?


The circular has no relation to the question to which the hon. and gallant Member refers, but deals entirely with the calculation of the rate of remuneration of insured persons in order to determine what share of the weekly contribution is payable by employer and employé, respectively. As I have previously stated in reply to similar questions, it depends upon the rules of each particular approved society whether sickness benefit is paid on a six or a seven days' basis.

Major HOPE

Could it not be arranged that agricultural labourers should have the option of receiving the benefit on either a six or a seven days' basis?


They have the option of joining a society which pays on a seven days' basis, but is very doubtful under which system they really get the advantage.

Major HOPE

If they have a choice, is there any society that pays on a seven days' basis to agricultural labourers, which they can join?


I think there are societies which are paying on both bases.

Major HOPE

Will the right hon. Gentleman give me the name of a society which agricultural labourers can join?


I will certainly make inquiries.

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