HC Deb 15 January 1913 vol 46 cc2070-2

asked how many insured persons have chosen the Seamen's National Insurance Society as their approved society?


According to the latest information in the possession of the Commissioners the membership of the Seamen's National Insurance Society amounts to about 40,000.

70. Mr. M'GHEE

asked the number of cards received by the National Health Insurance Commissioners during the first quarter of the operation of the National Insurance Act for deserting seamen, deceased seamen, and for other seamen; how such cards have been disposed of; and what provision is being made to enable approved societies to ascertain how many of such cards belonged to their members?


The following cards have been received direct by the Commission in respect of foreign-going seamen, and not through societies: Approximately 1,300 deserters, 60 dead men, and 7,200 others. In every case in which an address was given on the card, an inquiry was sent to the seamen with two forms—one enabling him to give the name of his society and the other a form of declaration upon which he could be admitted as a deposit contributor. A circular memorandum was also issued to every approved society inviting applications for cards of any of their members who were in the mercantile marine on foreign-going ships. As applications are received from societies, or from their members, the cards are being sent to the society. Of the cards so disposed of, probably about 1,500 to 2,000 relate to the period referred to in the question, but it is not possible to give exact figures for such period, as no object is served by keeping a separate record.

71 Mr. McGHEE

asked the amount of money received from the shipowners for the first quarterly period of the operation of the National Insurance Act in respect of seamen who are not domiciled and have no place of residence in the Unied Kingdom; and what check has been instituted with a view to seeing that a full and proper account has been rendered by all such shipowners?


The information asked for in the first part of the question is not yet available as returns are still being received from shipowners. A register of owners is being compiled, and when it is complete the Commissioners will be in a position to satisfy themselves that they have obtained a return from every owner of the contributions payable in respect of the persons mentioned in the question as from 15th July.


Will a statement be made as to the number of these cards and as to what becomes of them?


I will see whether a statement can be made if a question is put down.