HC Deb 01 January 1913 vol 46 c334
8. Colonel BURN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will state what decision has been arrived at with the French Government as to the damage done to the gear of the trawler "Collie" by the French boat "Monette"?


Representations were made on two separate occasions last year to the French Government by His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris, but, after making inquiries, the French Government came to the conclusion that the responsibility for the damage to the gear of the "Collie" did not rest with the master of the "Monette." The owners of the "Collie" were informed accordingly.

Colonel BURN

May I ask if the Government will take some steps to protect these fishermen? Damage is frequently done, and it is impossible for our men to defend themselves.


Yes, that is true; but the hon. Member was given details of this case on 21st February of last year. I think if there was more to be done we might have heard the hon. Member's views on the subject before now.


Might not there be some proposal for a compassionate allowance, or something of the kind?