HC Deb 04 February 1913 vol 47 c1996
69. Mr. WRIGHT

asked whether doctors in rural districts who undertake both medical attendance and the supply of drugs to insured persons on their lists are entitled to the whole of the 2s. allowed for such person for drugs; if not, to what, if any, share of the floating 6d.; and whether any and, if so, what regulations have been drawn up in this respect?


Yes, Sir. A doctor in a rural district who does his own dispensing under the conditions laid down in Sectons 45 and 47 of the Medical Benefit Regulations will receive on the capitation system the total capitation sum for medical treatment and drugs, namely, 7s. (which includes the so-called floating 6d.) for general attendance, 6d. for attendance on tuberculosis patients, and 1s. 6d. for drugs, making a total of 9s. in all.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in some counties the local insurance committees are allowing only 1s. 6d. and not the 2s.?


If the hon. Gentleman will bring any case before my notice, I will see that it is immediately put right.